KNEECAP invite fans to be part of gig scenes in upcoming feature film

NEECAP are inviting fans to take part in the filming of their highly anticipated upcoming feature film – which they’re describing as the “biggest Irish language film ever made.”

The Irish hip-hop group have announced that they’ll be filming gig scenes for the film in Dundalk on March 1, and Belfast on March 22/23.

“We are filming a massive gig scene, and who better to be in the crowd than the fans that got us here,” they’ve stated. “If you want to be on the screen for our new film get your tickets now.

“Filming will take place over 5 hours to complete the scenes, we would need you to be available for the full 5 hours,” they added.

The film, which they’ve previously teased will feature some big-name actors, alongside the members of the group themselves, is written and directed by Rich Peppiatt. It was one of the winners of the 2021 Mother Tongues Awards, a development initiative for projects at treatment or script stage, in which the story dialogue is in a language other than English.

“It’s not our own personal stories – our characters have their own fictional stories – but it’s the KNEECAP timeline, which is all true,” KNEECAP’s Móglaí Bap told Hot Press last year. “The bits about being in the news will all be in the movie, and the back-stories will be intertwined in that. It will be something different!”

Apply for a place at KNEECAP’s days of filming in Dundalk or Belfast here. Further details about locations will be revealed closer to the time of shooting.

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